Ümit Mahallesi Meksika Caddesi 2479. Sokak Nokta – ŞARA Binası Ankara No: 2 Daire: 7 Çankaya Ankara
Facial Laser Hair Removal
Facial Laser Hair Removal
How is Facial Laser Epilation Performed?
Can epilation be done on the face?
Laser Epilation Center for the Facial Area
“Can epilation be done on the face?” Yes, facial epilation can be done, but since it is a sensitive area, it should be done by appropriate devices and experienced people.
Facial laser hair removal is an effective laser epilation method that reduces unwanted facial hair when the right devices are used.
You can relax and increase your self-confidence with facial laser hair removal in medical conditions such as excessive facial hair, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or Hirsutism. Because being too hairy also disturbs your psychology.
Facial laser hair removal works with the heat of laser light to permanently damage or destroy individual hair follicles. Hair color and skin color are very important in laser hair remaoval. The working principle of laser epilation is to convert the color substance called melanin in the hair follicle into heat by being absorbed by the laser light. Then it is to destroy the hair follicle with this heat energy.
Facial laser hair removal can be used to treat the following areas: upper lip, chin, jawline, cheeks, sideburns, eyebrows, earlobes and neck.
Contact for Laser Hair Removal
Which Laser System is Effective in Facial Laser Epilation?
Since the face area is a sensitive area, the device to be used and the experience of the practitioner who is doing the laser application is very important. Facial hair growth and the timing of the hair cycle are usually related to hormones. For this reason, a good evaluation should be made for facial hair before epilation.
Alexandrite, Diode and Nd-yag laser systems are used for hair removal. The most suitable laser system for theface is the Nd-yag laser. Because when the Alexandrite laser is used for thin hair on the face, it can cause paradoxical hair growth.
Cutera 1064 nm NdYag wavelength lasers are among the most advanced NdYag technologies known in the world. It is used effectively and safely in laser hair removal of facial hair.
With the Nd-yag laser we use in our clinic, we solve the facial hair problems of our patients in the best way possible.
Can Men Have Facial Laser Hair Removal?
Men regularly experience problems such as itchy growth phase, ingrown hairs, skin rashes after shaving. It is possible to get rid of these problems with laser epilation.