Laser Acne Treatment

acne scar treatment, ankara acne scar treatment, Acne Treatment with Laser

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin condition where the pores in your skin are clogged by bacteria, dead skin cells, hair, and sebum (an oily substance).


These blockages also create black points, white points, nodules and other types of acne. Acne is one of the most common problems people experience.
Acne treatment methods, which are determined depending on the age, skin structure, acne density, acne areas and duration of the person, can be treated with drugs, creams, and laser.

Acne treatment methods, which are determined depending on the age, skin structure, acne density, acne areas and duration of the person, can be treated with drugs, creams, and laser.

Acne Scar Treatment ✓

Common acne (Acne vulgaris) can often appear on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms.

Who can be affected by Acne?

During adolescence, many people encounter acne to a certain extent. Although it is most common in adolescence, acne can occur in any age group. Acne can also regress over time without treatment, but it is useful to have it treated in this process due to the risk of scarring.
Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, it can negatively affect the patient psychologically.

What Kind of Risks Are in Acne or Pimples?

The most common risk or side effect is acne scarring. Apart from this, cystic acne may enlarge and accumulate pus and require more aggressive treatments. As mentioned above, it can cause a depressive state.

How Does Acne Occur?

The reason is not known exactly. However, the mechanism of formation has been understood. In men and women, the male hormone increases during adolescence, stimulating the sebaceous glands and causing them to grow. Acne is common in areas where sebaceous glands are common, such as the face, back and chest. The sebaceous glands, bacteria, hormones, and excessive proliferation of follicular cells play a role in the formation mechanism of acne or pimples.

Rarely, other hormonal disorders can also cause acne, and it can be seen together with acne.
The sebaceous glands are located in a channel that includes the hair, which we call a follicle. The sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum, which travels through the duct and is excreted from the pores on the skin surface. The place where the sebaceous gland duct opens into the skin is called a pore. The oil secreted from the channel and the dead skin cells that are expelled from the channel, combine with, and block the skin pores. Thus, bacteria easily reproduce in this channel. The chemicals produced by these bacteria stimulate the inflammatory reaction in the sebaceous gland and thus the wall of the channel cracks. The distribution of sebum, bacteria and dead cells in the skin causes redness, swelling and an inflammatory reaction.


Black spots on the skin develop as a result of plugs formed by oil and dead cells where the oil follicles open to the skin, and black spots have nothing to do with dirt. For normal skin care, the skin should be washed twice with soap. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing the skin too often and vigorously causes acne to worsen.

Acne Nutrition Relation (Does Chocolate Cause Acne?)

Although the relationship of acne with the foods we eat has not been proven, there are publications that it may be related to milk, chocolate and high-calorie diet. Some studies have linked certain foods to acne. Diets high in whey protein, dairy, and sugar can increase acne breakouts. Chocolate has no direct connection.

Acne is a disease that can improve or worsen on its own, regardless of food. Diet alone is not enough to control acne. But if you have identified foods that increase your acne, these foods should be avoided. As with everyone else, a balanced diet is recommended for patients with acne.

Does the Sun Affect Pimples?

Tanning suppresses acne, but this is temporary. Getting tan in the sun and in a solarium is not recommended, as the sun causes premature skin aging and cancer. For this reason, patients with acne should use sunscreens such as oil-free gel or lotion when under the sun.

How Should We Use Cosmetic Products for Acne?

If you’re using a moisturizer or foundation, make sure it’s oil-free and water-based. Use products with the phrase non-comedogenic (does not cause black spots) or non-acnegenic. Clean your make-up every night with soap and water. Lotions containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur can be used. Oil-free products without powder can be used as a concealer. The face area should be protected when applying hair sprays or gels.

What are Acne Treatment Methods?

After the dermatological examination, your doctor will prepare an acne treatment plan suitable for you. In this planning;

1. Creams
2. Oral medications
3. Laser acne treatment may include one of its methods and an appropriate complementary therapy.

Topically applied drugs:

Salicylic acid (cleansing lotion for acne), azelic acid (kills microorganisms in the skin), retinoids such as Retin-A®, Tazorac® and Differin (breaks up black spots and white spots, prevents clogging of pores), antibiotics, and antibacterial gels such as Dapzone are used in acne treatment.

Oral medications:

Antibiotics, oral contraceptives, drugs such as isotretion, an oral retinoid (for the treatment of severe acne), are drugs that should be used carefully within the planning of the treatment by your doctor.

Today, lasers are also used for the treatment of acne. By means of heat, the skin is provided to form collagen and acne treatment is provided with the wound healing response of the body.

Are There Any Side Effects of Acne Treatment During and Before Pregnancy?

Many topical and oral acne treatments can have side effects during pregnancy. If you are planning to become pregnant, you should discuss your acne treatment with your doctor. Isotreoin is an acne treatment drug that causes serious birth defects. For this reason, it is necessary to use a contraceptive method while using this drug.

How Are Laser Acne Treatment Prices Determined?

Laser acne treatment 2022 prices are determined according to the number of sessions by evaluating the prevalence and condition of acne. The price of laser acne treatment also affects whether the acne is actively inflamed, cystic or blackheads. Different prices are applied for acne scars. For the most accurate acne treatment price information, the doctor should examine you.

You can contact us for laser acne treatment.

Ümit Mahallesi Ankaralılar Caddesi No: 2 Kat: 7 Daire: 7 Nokta Ankara ŞA-RA Binası Çankaya / ANKARA


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